Sunday, 30 November 2014

2014's report on vascular plants in Devon

New species and hybrids recorded in Devon during 2014 include six from VC3 and five from VC4. Of these only two were native. Atriplex × gustafssoniana (Kattegat Orache) was first identified by Bill Tucker by the River Torridge in 1997 but one of the parents A. longipes (Long-stalked Orache) had not been seen. Bob Kirby not only found A.× gustafssoniana at 12 new sites and A.× taschereaui  at eight  new sites on the Taw/Torridge estuary but also found the missing parent on both rivers as well. Phil Pullen and I were both encouraged by these finds to check some South Devon estuaries and we both found the A.× gustafssoniana. The hybrid between C. nigra (Common Knapweed) or C. debeauxii (Chalk Knapweed) and the introduced C. jacea (Brown Knapweed) C. × gerstlaueri was found during the DAB meeting to Upper Tamar Lake but its identity not established until later. It is the first Devon record since C.E.Britton identified a plant collected by E.S.Todd at Exmouth in 1922. Bob Kirby’s explorations in the Barnstaple area produced several other notable finds. The distribution of Chenopodium suecicum (Swedish Goosefoot) in Britain is not well known due to its similarity to C. album. There are just six recent records from the Britain and Ireland. John Akeroyd was able to identify it with confidence from an excellent series of photographs. Bob also added a garden hybrid honeysuckle, Lonicera × purpusii, and a birdseed alien, Digitaria ciliaris (Tropical Finger-grass).

In South Devon, and somewhat to my surprise as I am a regular visitor to the site, I found two new species of introduced Whitebeams at Stover Country Park. Sorbus austriaca survives but S. mougeotii was already badly damaged by heavy machinery when I found it and it did not last the summer. Cotoneaster bacillaris (Open-fruited Cotoneaster) found by Bob Hodgson and Phil Pullen at Devonport railway station is the twenty seventh species of the genus found growing wild in Devon. Amaryllis belladonna (Jersey Lily) amongst the dunes at Dawlish Warren, found by Kevin Rylands, was, perhaps, a deliberate introduction.  Narcissus cyclamineus (Cyclamen-flowered Daffodil) reported by Pete Reay may have arrived with flood water. During a weekend visit to the Brixham, Kingswear and Strete areas Mike Wilcox added a number garden escapes including Disphyma crassifolium (Purple Dewplant) for the first time and two new subspecies. Vulpia ciliata subsp ambigua, the native subspecies of Bearded Fescue, is known from Dawlish Warren and the sand dune systems of northwest Devon. The introduced V. ciliata subsp. ciliata found by the railway at Kingswear is new. Mike also noticed Calystegia silvatica subsp. silvatica (Large Bindweed) on the roadside near Berry Head. Calystegia silvatica subsp. disjuncta Brummitt appears to be the common subspecies in Devon. Mike’s find prompted both Phil Pullen and I to check many of the Large Bindweed plants we encountered subsequently and we discovered plants at Plymouth and in the Teign valley. While examining the Plymouth populations Phil also found Calystegia × lucana (C. sepium × C. silvatica).

In addition to the new Devon plants Spiraea canescens (Himalayan Spiraea) and Plantago major subsp. intermedia (Greater Plantain) are new to VC3 and Rosa multiflora (Many-flowered Rose), Vinca major  var. oxyloba  (a form of Greater Periwinkle), Misopates calycinum  (Pale Weasel’s-snout), Rosmarinus officinalis  (Rosemary), Cotula coronopifolia (Buttonweed), Valerianella locusta var. dunensis (the dwarf form of Common Cornsalad), Cyperus eragrostis (Pale Gallingale) and Puccinellia fasciculata (Borrer's Saltmarsh-grass) are new to VC4. Of these only the last is native.

The status of Centaurea debeauxii  has varied over the years. In the more recent past it was regarded as a subspecies of C. nigra and more or less ignored by most observers in Devon and, until this year, there were only two modern records. However, it is probably common and widely distributed. Determination of plants has been based on the shape of the phyllaries, especially those in the lower one third of the capitulum described by Leaney (2012). Intermediate forms have been seen in several places. These may be hybrids or an indication that the two taxa are not separate species (Stace 2010). Often with C. nigra and intermediate forms. Like C. nigra both rayed and non-rayed forms are found but are not considered worth subspecific rank. Rayed forms of both may be commoner in South Devon.

I would like to thank those listed below for sending me their records and to encourage all members to do the same. I would also like to thank the specialist referees for their time and interest.

R. E. N. Smith (Recorder)



DJA      D. J. Allen
JRA      J. R. Akeroyd
LA        L. Austin
MB       M. Beresford
BB        B. Benfield
NB       N. Bacciu
NBa      N. Baldock
DCGC  D. C. G. Cann
MC       M. Coleman
JJD        J. J. Day
NF        N. Fletcher
JF          J. Fryer
RMH     R. M. Hodgson
MRH     M. R. Hughes
JJI         J. J. Ison
CJ         C. Jeffs
RIK       R. I. Kirby
LL         L. Lock
DJM      D. J. McCosh
PDP      P. D. Pullen
PJR       P. J. Reay
TCGR   T. C. G. Rich
KR        K. Rylands
RENS   R. E. N. Smith
CJS      C. J. Smith
ES        E. Standen
TP        T. Purches
MBU    M. B. Usher
GW      G. Waterhouse
MW     M. Wilcox

/    introduced plant.
    (before species name) new County record, (before VC) new Vice-county record.
VC3    Vice-county 3, South Devon.
VC4    Vice-county 4, North Devon.
All records apply to 2014, unless otherwise stated. The numbers before the names of the species refer to page numbers in the Atlas of the Devon Flora (1984). Grid references are for 1km squares. Order, classification and English names follow the third edition of the New Flora of the British Isles (Stace 2010). Records of Hieracium follow Sell & Murrell (2006) Bold type indicates a herbarium specimen held by the recorder.

Brown , J. M, Brummitt, R. K., Spencer, M. & Carine, M. A., 2009. Disentangling the bindweeds: hybridisation and taxonomic diversity in British Calystegia (Convolvulaceae). J. Bot. Lin. Soc. 160: 388-401.
Chater, A., 2014. Richard Kenneth Brummitt (1937-2013). BSBI Year Book. 2014:90-92.
Ivimey-Cook, R. B., 1984. Atlas of the Devon Flora. The Devonshire Association, Torquay.
Leaney, B. 2012. Common problems with identification experienced by the Norfolk Flora Group – 2. BSBI News 121: 8-18.
Sell, P. & Murrell, G., 2006. Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, volume 4, Campanulaceae – Asteraceae. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
Stace, C. A., 2010. New Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, 3rdEdn., Cambridge.

1    Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. – Fir Clubmoss. VC3. Three small fronds, Gotleigh Moor, ST1910, DAB det. RENS. First record from this site since it was found by Michel Hughes in 1986.

3    Ophioglossum vulgatum L. – Adder's-tongue. VC3. More than 30 plants on the Plateau at Lincombe, SY1588, DAB det. DJA.

7    Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. – Brittle Bladder-fern. VC3. About 100 fronds, Diptford Churchyard, SX7256, JJD. The first confirmed record for many years.

Cystopteris fragilis (RENS)
7    Polystichum × bicknellii – (H. Christ) Hahne. – P. aculeatum × P. setiferum. VC3. By track to Pig’s Nose, East Prawle, SX7736, RENS. Southey Moor, ST1911, DAB det. RENS. This hybrid, between Hard-shield and Soft-shield Ferns, is rare in the South Hams but more widespread in northeast Devon where P. aculeatum is more frequent.

8    Dryopteris × deweveri (J.T. Jansen) Jansen & Wacht. – D. carthusiana × D. dilatata. VC3. With D. carthusiana, Carrapit Farm, SX7986, RENS, RMH, BB & NB. This hybrid between Narrow-buckler and Broad-buckler Fern is rarely recorded.

48    Papaver lecoqii Lamotte – Yellow-juiced Poppy. VC3. Pavement weed at Brixham, SX9256, MW.

50    Fumaria capreolata L. – White Ramping-fumitory. VC3. Roadside hedge near Woodhuish Farm, SX9152, DAB det. RENS. Last recorded in this area by Molly Spooner in 1978.

    /    Anemone × hybrida Paxton – Japanese Anemone. VC4. Yelland, 2013, SS4832, RIK. Second localised record for North Devon.

    /    Lotus corniculatus L. var. sativa Hyl. – Common Bird’sfoot-trefoil. VC4. Locally common at old power station site, Yelland, SS4832, RMH. The robust form of this common grassland species is rarely recorded but may be overlooked.

    /    Vicia villosa Roth – Fodder Vetch. VC3. Exminster, SX9486, CJ & LL. VC4. Home Farm Marsh Reserve, SS5033, RIK. Second recent record from South Devon and the first from North Devon.

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Vicia villosa (RENS)
87    Trifolium glomeratum L. – Clustered Clover. VC4. On recently turned soil at East-the-Water, SS4526, RIK. The first record from VC4 since 1988.

88    /    Trifolium incarnatum L. subsp. incarnatum – Crimson Clover. VC3. Seed contaminant at Carrapit Farm, SX8086, RENS, RMH, BB & NB. Found at several sites in the last decade. It may be established here in the absence of the use of herbicides.

89    Trifolium subterraneum L. – Subterranean Clover. VC4. On recently turned soil at East-the-Water, SS4526, RIK. Rare in VC4 where it is only know from the far northwest. This is the first record from the Barnstaple area since 1976.

80    Genista anglica L. – Petty Whin. VC3. About 30 plants on Chudleigh Knighton Heath, SX8376, RENS. Very rare in the Bovey Basin and the first record from this site since it was seen by Mrs. M.C.Hockaday in 1971.

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Genista anglica (RENS)

192    /    Spiraea canescens D.Don – Himalayan Spiraea. †VC3. Self-sown on a wall at Higher Brixham, SX9155, MW. First VC3 record and first localised record for Devon.

    /†    Sorbus austriaca (Beck) Hedl. – a Whitebeam. VC3. Probably bird-sown, by the lake at Stover Country Park, SX8375, RENS & CJS det. TCGR.

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Sorbus austriaca (RENS)

    /†    Sorbus mougeotii Soy.- Will & Godr. – Mougeot’s Whitebeam. A small tree, probably bird-sown, amongst conifers at Stover Country Park, SX8375, RENS & CJS det. TCGR. The tree had been badly damaged by heavy machinery and did not survive.

    /    Amelanchier lamarckii – Juneberry. VC4. Perhaps bird-sown, on the embankment of the Tarka Trail, SS4525, RIK. Second record for VC4 and third for Devon.

    /†        Cotoneaster bacillaris Wall. ex Lindl – Open-fruited Cotoneaster. VC3. Devonport railway station, SX4555, RMH & PDP det. JF.

    /    Cotoneaster salicifolius Franch. – Willow-leaved Cotoneaster. VC3. Whitecleave Quarry, SX7365, JJD. Fifth record for VC3 and sixth for Devon.

    /    Cotoneaster hjelmqvistii Flinck & B. Hylmö – Hjelmqvist's Cotoneaster. VC3. Churchyard wall-top at Strete, SX8446, MW and RENS det. JF. Third VC3 and Devon record.

    /    Cotoneaster mairei H.Lev. – Maire's Cotoneaster. VC3. Cemetery wall, Plymouth, SX4755, PDP det. JF (RENS). Third VC3 and county record.

    /    Cotoneaster vilmorinianus G. Klotz – Vilmorin's Cotoneaster. VC3. Common on hillside at Churston Cove, SX9157, MW. Frequent on cliff slopes at Walls Hill, SX9365, RENS det. JF. Second and third VC3 and county records.
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Cotoneaster vilmorinianus (RENS)

    Pyracantha rogersiana (A.B.Jacks.) Coltm.-Rog. – Asian Firethorn. VC3. Probably bird sown outside a garden at Strete, SX8346, MW. Second VC3 and county record.

    /    Crataegus persimilis Sarg. – Broad-leaved Cockspurthorn. VC4. A small seedling at Yelland, SS4832, NDBG. Third record for VC4.

    /    Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murray – Many-flowered Rose. VC3. In three places at Plymouth where it is most likely to be a garden throw-out, SX4759, PDP. †VC4. In a natural hedgebank at Cookbury churchyard, perhaps planted, SS4006, RMH. First VC4 record.

18    Ulmus × hollandica Mill. – Dutch Elm. VC3. In the South Hams, SX6743, SX6849, SX6945, SX7042, SX7243, SX7638, SX7738, SX7842, SX7855, SX7942, SX8042, RENS & GW det. MC. These refer to individuals or groups of trees that had not succumbed to Dutch Elm Disease and the referee was able to see both specimens of foliage and photographs of the trees. Near Ide, SX8990, JJD.

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Ulmus × hollandica (RENS)

99    /    Euphorbia cyparissias L. – Cypress Spurge. VC3. Street weed at Churston Ferrers, SX9155, MW.

107        Hypericum × desetangsii Lamotte – Des Etangs’ St.John’s-wort (H. maculatum × perforatum). VC4. Meeth Quarry NR, SS5308, JJD. Second recent record from VC4 but probably overlooked everywhere.

111    /    Oenothera cambrica Rostanski – Small-flowered Evening-primrose. VC3. On the sea-front at Budleigh Salterton, SY0681, NF.

59    Lepidium ruderale L. – Narrow-leaved Pepperwort. VC3. Roadside at Chudleigh Knighton, SX8577, RENS.

    Limonium procerum (C.E.Salmon) Ingr. subsp. procerum – Tall Sea-lavender. VC3. One flowering plant and a seedling on embankment by the River Exe at Powderham, SX9184, RENS & CJS. First record of any of the Rock Sea-lavender species from the Exe Estuary. Locally abundant at Dawlish Station, SX9676, JJI. Plants at Langstone Rocks, SX9777, JJI, are inaccessible but probably this species.

    /    Persicaria capitata (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) H. Gross – Pink-headed Persicaria. VC3. On the pontoon at Dartmouth, SX8751, MW. Forth localised record for VC3 and Devon.

    /    Herniaria glabra L. – Smooth Rupturewort. VC3. Highweek Allotments, SX8472, RENS. Presumably transferred accidentally from recorder’s garden where it has been established for many years.

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Herniaria glabra (RENS)

34    Moenchia erecta (L.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. – Upright Chickweed. VC4. A few square metres, Pollyfields Centre, East-the-Water, SS4526, RIK. Very rare in VC4, this is the first record from this hectad for over 50 years.

36    Scleranthus annuus L. – Annual Knawel. VC3. About 12 plants in a gateway at Huccaby, SX6673, TP.

36    Polycarpon tetraphyllum (L.) L. – Four-leaved Allseed. VC3. Road verge in Highweek where it has escaped from recorders’ garden after many years, SX8471, RENS & CJS.

    /†    Chenopodium suecicum Murr – Swedish Goosefoot. VC4. Roundswell Services roundabout near Barnstaple, SS5431, RIK conf. JRA (RENS).

    Atriplex × gustafssoniana (A. prostrata Boucher ex DC. × A. longipes) – Kattegat Orache. †VC3. Thorn Point, SX4463, PDP conf RIK. Aveton Gifford, SX6947, RENS conf. RIK.  VC4. By the Rivers Torridge and Taw in 12 monads, SS4525, SS4624, SS4526, SS4527, SS4678, SS4530, SS4732, SS4932, SS4933, SS5533, SS5522, SS5631, all RIK conf. JRA. These are the first records since it was first found by the River Torridge in 1997 by Bill Tucker and the first for VC3.

        Atriplex × tauscherii Stace (A. glabriuscula Edmondston×A. longipes) – Taschereau’s Orache. VC4. By the Rivers Torridge and Taw in eight monads, SS4525, SS4526, SS4628, SS4530, SS4731, SS4732, SS4933, SS5533, RIK. These are the first records since it was first found by the River Torridge in 1997 by Bill Tucker.
        Atriplex longipes Drejer – Long-stalked Orache. VC4. By the River Torridge at Torridge Bridge, SS4527, RIK conf. JRA. West bank of River Taw south of Barnstaple, SS5531, RIK conf. JRA.

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Atriplex longipes (RIK)

27    Atriplex laciniata L. – Frosted Orache. VC3. By the creek at West Charleton Marsh, SX7541, RENS.

29    Salicornia pusilla Woods – One-flowered Glasswort. VC4. By the River Torridge at Mount Pleasant, SS4527; in two places at Westleigh, SS46728; in two place by the River Taw, SS5033 and SS5133; the Skern, Northam Burrows, SS4431; all RIK.

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Salicornia pusilla (RIK)
29    Salicornia pusilla × S. ramosissima Woods. VC4. By the River Torridge at Mount Pleasant, SS4527 and Pinewood, SS4525, RIK. The second and third locations for VC4.

29    Salicornia ramosissima J.Woods  – Purple Glasswort. VC3. Occasional by the River Avon estuary at Aveton Gifford, SX6746 and SX6846, RENS. VC4. On the shore of the River Torridge at Westleigh SS4628 and Mount Pleasant, SS4527, RIK.

    Salicornia fragilis P.Ball & Tutin – Yellow Glasswort. VC4. By the River Torridge at Mount Pleasant, SS4527and Westleigh, SS4628, RIK. The second and third recent records for VC4 and Devon and the first from the Torridge Estuary.

29    Salicornia dolichostachya Moss – Long-spiked Glasswort. VC3. Abundant on the River Avon estuary near Aveton Gifford, SX6746 and SX6865, RENS. VC4. River Torridge estuary at East-the-Water, SS4526, Mount Pleasant, SS4527 and Westleigh, SS4628, RIK.

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Salicornia dolichostachya (RENS)

    /†    Disphyma crassifolium (L.) L. Bolus – Purple Dewplant. VC3. Pavement weed at Strete, SX8447, MW.

    /    Gaultheria mucronata (L. f.) Hook. & Arn. – Prickly Heath. VC3. By the A386 on Roborough Down, SX5063, 2013, RMH. Fourth record for VC3 and Devon.

163    Galium parisiense L. – Wall Bedstraw. VC3. On a dry bank at Lisburne Farm, SX7259, PJR. Dry slopes west of Boyland, SX7889, NBa. In three places at Exeter Park and Ride, SX9692, DCGC.

130    Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Huds. – Yellow-wort. VC3. On limestone at north end of Oddicombe Beach, SX9266, RENS. The only record of this plant from Torquay since the Flora was published in 1939.

    /    Vinca major L. var. oxyloba Stearn – Greater Periwinkle. †VC4. Naturalised on road-cutting at East-the-Water, SS4626, RIK.

133    /        Echium plantagineum L. – Purple Viper’s-bugloss. VC3. Two or three plants at Exminster, SX9486, CJ & LL. Probably introduced as a seed contaminant. The first record since 1969.

    /    Cerinthe major L. – Greater Honeywort. †VC3. On farm spoil heap near Newton Ferrers, SX9055, KR. First record for South Devon.

132    /†    Calystegia silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. subsp. silvatica – Large Bindweed. VC3. Ford Park Cemetery, Plymouth, SX4755, PDP. Roadside by Kelly Mine, SX7981, RENS. Roadside at Brixham, SX9356, MW. VC4. By the Tarka Trail, East-the-Water, SS4526, RIK. Records published in the Atlas as C. sepium subsp. silvatica are most likely to be C. silvatica subsp. disjuncta Brummitt. These are the first confirmed records of this subspecies from both vice-counties.

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Calystegia silvatica subsp. silvatica (MW)
        Calystegia × lucana (Ten.) G.Don – C. sepium × C. silvatica. VC3. Mount Wise, Plymouth, SX4554, PDP. Second VC3 and county record. It should be noted that R.K.Brummit became reluctant to use this binomial (Chater 2014) as it is poor characterised morphologically and intergrades with its putative parents (Brown et al 2009).

147        Hyoscyamus niger  L. – Henbane. VC3. Occasional arable weed near Ide, SX886901, 2014, JJD. Uncommon, especially inland.

    /    Petunia × hybrida (Hook) Vilm. – Petunia. VC3. Pavement weed in Crediton, SS8300, DCGC. There are few records but it may be under-recorded.

    /    Veronica × franciscana Eastw. – Hedge Veronica. VC3. On the embankment by the Upper Ferry at Kingswear, SX8852, MW. More obviously planted close by.

156    Sibthorpia europaea L. – Cornish Moneywort. VC3. West Blackdown, SX4981, RMH. The most northerly record on the west side of Dartmoor.

    /    Misopates calycinum Rothm. – Pale Weasel’s-snout. †VC4. East-the-Water, SS4526, RIK. The flowers were marginally too small but plants still believed to be this species and not white M. orontium.

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Misopates calycinum (RIK)
    /    Asarina procumbens Mill. – Trailing Snapdragon. VC3. On walls in two places in Crediton, SX8399 and SS83000 (from 2010), DCGC. The only other Devon records are from Exeter where it was last seen in 1982.

    Plantago major L. subsp. intermedia (Gilib.) Lange – Greater Plantain. †VC3. Langerstone Point, SX7835, MU. VC4. Abundant by the lake at the Skern, Northam Burrows, SS4431, RIK. First record of this subspecies from VC3 and the fourth from VC4. It is almost certainly under-recorded.

    /    Sutera cordata (Thunb.) Kuntze – Bacopa. VC3. Pavement weed at Crediton, SS8300, DCGC. Pavement weed, St Thomas, Exeter, SX9191, JJI.

    /    Stachys byantina K.Koch – Lamb’s-ear. †VC4. Grassy wasteland at Yelland, 2013, SS4832, RIK. First record for VC4.

145        Mentha pulegium L. – Pennyroyal. VC3. Roadside near Avon Dam, SX6864, LA & PJR.

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Mentha pulegium (RENS)

    /    Rosmarinus officinalis L. – Rosemary. †VC4. One plant on a wall and a second in a quarry, both at Bideford, SS4526, RIK.

650    Euphrasia arctica Lange ex Rostrop. subsp. borealis (F. Towns.) Yeo – Arctic Eyebright. VC3. Carrapit Farm, SX7986, RENS, RMH, BB & NB. Perhaps introduced with hay from Duunabridge Farm.

157    Euphrasia tetraquetra (BrĂ©b.) Arrond. – Western Eyebright. VC3. A few plants in two places on roadside to the Avon Dam, SX6864, RENS & LA. VC4. Several plants on the northwestern slopes of Sourton Tor, SX5490, RMH. Usually a coastal plant, uncommon inland.

158    Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr. × E. confusa  Pugsley – Common Eyebright × Confused Eyebright. VC3. Freqent at Orely Common, SX8266, RENS.

    Euphrasia confusa Pugsley × E. micrantha Rchb. – Confused Eyebright × Slender Eyebright. VC4. Local beside the Granite Railway near Prewly, SX5491, RENS.

159    Lathraea squamaria L. – Toothwort. VC3. Shapwick Farm Copse, SY3191, MRH.

184    Cirsium × forsteri (Smith) Loudon – C. dissectum × C. palustre. VC3. Carrapit Farm, SX7986, RENS, RMH, BB & NB. VC4. Red-a-ven Brook, SX5691, RENS.

185    Centaurea debeauxii Gren & Godr. – Chalk Knapweed. VC3. Recorded from an additional ten tetrads, RENS and JJD. VC4. Recorded from six tetrads, RENS and RIK.

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    Centaurea debeauxii (RENS)

        Centaurea × gerstlaueri Erdner – (C. nigra × C. jacea) Hybrid Knapweed. †VC4. Upper Tamar Lake, SX2812, RIK.

189    Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. – Wall Lettuce. VC4. Behind the North Devon Leisure Centre, Barnstaple, SS5532, RIK. First record from northwest Devon.

    /    Hieracium argillaceum Jord. – Southern Hawkweed. VC3. On bridge over A38, South Brent, SX7059, PJR det. DJM.

    Hieracium cf. sublasiophyllum P.D.Sell – Slender-bracted Hawkweed. VC3. Higher White Tor, SX6178, 2009 and 2011, RENS det. DJM. Similar plants found close by at Longaford Tor, SX6177, 2009, RENS may be the same. These plants do not fit the description of any recognised species but are closest to H. sublasiophyllum known from rock ledges in northern England and Scotland.

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Hieracium cf. sublasiophyllum (RENS)

171    Aster novi-belgii L. – Confused Michaelmas-daisy. VC3. Roadside at Aveton Gifford, SX6947, RENS. Probably widespread but there are few localised records.

171    /    Aster × salignus – Common Michaelmas-daisy. VC3. In two places by the River Torridge near Great Torrington, SS4719 and SS4918, JJD.

    /    Cotula coronopifolia L. – Buttonweed. †VC4. Two plants by the River Taw south of Barnstaple, SS5631, RIK. First record from VC4.

175        Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. – Chamomile. VC3. Self-seeded and spreading in kerb cracks at Strete, SX8346, MW.

    /†    Lonicera × purpusii Rehder – L. fragrantissima Lindl. & Paxton × L. standishii Jacq. VC4. On derelict ground at Bideford, SS4525, RIK.

167    Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr. var. dunensis D.E.Allen – Common Cornsalad. Rather common at Dawlish Warren, SX9879, SX9979 and SX9980, RENS. †VC4. Grey Sand Hill, Northam Burrows, SS4531, RIK. First location for this subspecies in VC4 and third in VC3.

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Valerianella locusta var. dunensis (RENS)

169    Scabiosa columbaria L. – Small Scabious. VC3. On old railway at Brickfields, Devonport, SX4654, RMH. Surprisingly rare in the Plymouth area.
    /    Hedera algeriensis Hibberd – Algerian Ivy. VC3. Eastern King's Point, Plymouth, SX4653, RMH. Second record for VC3.

    /    Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng. – Alter-lily. VC4. Four plants by the Tarka Trail near Fremington Quay, SS5133, RIK. Third localised record for VC4.

195    Potamogeton pusillus L. – Lesser Pondweed. VC3. Abundant in coastal pool at Seaton Marshes, SY2590, 2013, RENS. VC4. Meeth Quarry NR, SS5309, JJD where it was last reported in 1951 by Oscar Greig.

197    /    Fritillaria meleagris L. – Fritillary. VC4. By A3072 near Bickleigh, SS9307, MB.

241    Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. – Lesser Buttrfly-orchid. VC3. Four plants on Gotleigh Moor, ST1910, DJA. Found in 10 of the 18 1km squares in Roborough/Buckland Down, SX4769, SX4869, SX4968, SX4969, SX4970, SX5068, SX5069, SX5168, SX5169 and SX5166, RMH.

    /    Crocosmia paniculata (Klatt) Goldblatt – Aunt-Eliza. VC3. By track to Fishcombe Point, SX9256, MW.

199    Allium ampeloprasum L.
    var. ampeloprasum – Wild Leek. VC3. On wall top with A. oleraceum at Ipplepen, SX8266, RENS & CJS.
    var. babingtonii (Borrer) Syme – Babbington’s Leek. VC3. By edge of lake on west side of Lopwell Dam SX4765, RMH.

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Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii (RENS)

    /†    Amaryllis belladonna L. – Jersey Lily. VC3. Amongst the dunes, Dawlish Warren, SX9979, KR.

    /†    Narcissus cyclamineus DC. – Cyclamen-flowered Daffodil. VC3. In an old orchard by the River Avon near Lutton, SX6961, ES & PJR.

    /    Cordyline australis (G.Forst.) Endl. – Cabbage-palm. VC3. Seedling below parent plant on pavement at Brixham, SX9256, MW.

    /    Cyperus eragrostis Lam. – Pale Galingale. †VC4. Locally abundant at Yelland, 2013, SS4832, RIK. First record for North Devon.

238    Carex lepidocarpa Tausch. – Long-stalked Yellow-sedge. VC4. In a flush by the Red-a-ven Brook, SX5691, RENS. Second recent site in North Devon.

208    /    Vulpia fasciculata (Forssk.) Fritsch – Dune Fescue. VC4. The Skern, Northam Burrows, SS4431, RIK. First record from Northam since 1987.

    Vulpia ciliata Dumort – Bearded Fescue
    /†    subsp. ciliata VC3. On the edge of the railway line at Kingswear, SX8582, MW.
209    subsp. ambigua (Le Gall) Stace & Auquier. VC4. In two places on Northam Burrows, SS4430 and SS4431, RIK. First fully authenticated records from North Devon since 1967. It has not been seen in South Devon since 1995.

211        Puccinellia fasciculata (Torrey) E.Bickn. – Borrer's Saltmarsh-grass. †VC4. Barnstaple, SS5531, RIK. The first record from North Devon and the first from Devon since 1989.

211    Puccinellia rupestris (With.) Fern. & Weath. – Stiff Saltmarsh-grass. VC3. On track at Saltram, SX5155, MU.

    /    Anisantha diandra (Roth) Tutin ex Tzvelev – Great Brome. VC3. In weedy boundary strip at Duckaller Farm, SX5079, RENS. VC4. On waste ground at Northam Burrows SS4429 and on a verge near Instow, SS4731, RIK.

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Anisantha diandra (RENS)
215        Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P. Beauv. – Heath False-brome. VC3. Locally frequent at Walls Hill, SX9365, RENS. First localised record from this site.

226    Setaria pumila (Poiret) Roem. & Schult. – Yellow Bristle-grass. VC3. 20+ plants at margin of maize field. Yealmpton, SX5752, PDP. VC4. About 50 plants on field boundary, Home Farm Marsh Reserve, SS4933, RIK.

    /    Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. – Hairy Finger-grass. VC4. From bird-seed on Bideford Quay, SS4526, RIK, (RENS).

    /†    Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) KoelerTropical Finger-grass. VC4. From bird-seed on Bideford Quay, SS4526, RIK (RENS).

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Digitaria ciliaris (RIK)