Saturday 14th April: Grenofen
and Double Waters. A joint meeting with the Devon Bryophyte Group to
look at mosses and liverworts. Meet at the Bedford
Bridge car park (entrance at SX504702). The area has a lot of good records
already, but there are always likely to be more! Apart from anything else,
"square-bashers" can have fun as there are at least four tetrads
involved, extending into three hectads! Good walking boots are recommended;
Wellies shouldn't be needed unless you want to check out the aquatics. Contact
Mark Pool (01803 316154,
for further details.
26th May: West Devon Commons. A meeting to
look for Viola canina, V. lactea and perhaps Carex montana and Platanthera bifolia. Meet at the north end of Plaster Down,
SX5146.7295. Leader: Roger Smith (01626 368577,
Saturday 9th June at 10am:
"The Elephant's Graveyard", Axmouth-Lyme Regis Undercliffs NNR. NOTE
EARLIER START TIME. With David Allen & Donald Campbell in search of
Purple Gromwell (Lithospermum
purpureocaeruleum) and a count of Nottingham Catchfly (Silene nutans) in this little explored part of the Reserve. Meet at Stepps Lane (SY 266903) Axmouth at
10am. Boots essential; expect a tough expedition! For further information
contact David (01404 861394; email
Saturday 23rd June: Shillingford Organics, The
Barton, Shillingford Abbot, EX2 9QQ. Shillingford
Organics is a 350 acre organic farm just outside Exeter.(SX9088) It has been in organic production since 2002
growing fruit, veg and arable crops. We
have permission to take a walk over the farm which will be partly cultivated
with various crops as well as grazed and set aside with green manures. There is parking and
facilities at the farm and a contribution of £3 is suggested for this. It is also possible to park in Alphington
(just before you go over the A30 Bridge) and then take a 20 minute walk along
the road. All very flexible - there will be a short 10 minute chat from the
owner and Sharon Bickley who has knowledge of the farm layout can direct to the
accessible fields for perhaps some interesting arable weeds! Leader: Sharon Bickley (
Friday 29th June – Sunday 1st
July: BSBI meeting at Hartland Peninsula. This is not
formally one of our meetings, but many members will be interested in
attending. Further details will be on
the BSBI website in due course.
Sunday 8th July: A lovely site with a mosaic of culm, woodland &
freshwater habitats near South Molton. Leader: Mary
Breeds (mobile: 07835097780, landline: 01271 817349,, who you can
contact for further details.
14th July: County Gate, Exmoor. Meet at County
Gate car park SS793486 to explore the area to the west. A joint meeting with Exmoor
Natural History Society. Leader: Bob Hodgson (01392
15th July: Quoditch. Note earlier
meeting time. A chance to visit
a private nature reserve, which has a good area of culm grassland and wet woodland. Meet at 10:45 at Halwill Junction by the shops (SX44399994)
to arrange car sharing. There is car parking by the playing green at SX44449991
and behind the shops at SX44379997. The reserve is not huge so there may be
time to look at Halwill Junction DWT reserve afterwards. Leader: Bob Hodgson (01392
Saturday 1st
to Monday 3rd September: Wild flower Society AGM Weekend. Section members are invited to join the walks on
Sunday and Monday and help show our local flora to the visiting botanists. Contact Section Secretary
Tim Purches for further information (01752 795256,
Saturday 8th
September. Meet at 9.30 for 10am start. NOTE EARLIER
whistle-stop tour of east Dartmoor looking for Lanceolate
Spleenwort (Asplenium obovatum), Narrow Buckler Fern (Dryopteris carthusiana) and its hybrid D.
x deweveri, Fir Clubmoss (Huperzia selago), Stag's-horn Clubmoss (Lycopodium clavatum) and Beech
Fern (Phegopteris connectilis),
as well as other commoner ferns. A trip to see Parsley Fern (Cryptogramma crispa) at
Whiteworks near Princetown is also planned. Meet
in car park northwest of Halsanger Cross by cattle grid at SX7518.7327. The
itinerary has to be flexible and may be limited by bad weather. Leaders Roger
Smith (01626 368577, and Ian
Bennallick. A joint meeting with Botanical Cornwall and the British
Pteridological Society.
2nd February 2019: Botany Section AGM. Halberton
Village Hall, near Tiverton (ST007129). There is a car park behind the hall,
and should that be full there is another car park just outside the village on
the north side of the Grand Western Canal (ST008132), which is about five minutes’
walk away. The AGM will be followed by an informal walk to look at lichens and
bryophytes in the vicinity, and a short slide-show. Contact Secretary Tim
Purches - 01752 795256, - for further information.