Thursday, 2 February 2017

Meetings Programme 2017

Meetings are from 11.00 a.m. to approximately 4.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated. NON-MEMBERS WELCOME. Bring packed lunch and appropriate footwear. Please contact the leader if you wish to attend – meeting details can sometimes change at short notice and if the weather forecast looks poor the meeting may have to be cancelled. You should also check with the leader if you wish to bring your dog. 

Saturday 1 April: Halsdon Devon Wildlife Trust reserve, near Great Torrington. Joint meeting with the Devon Bryophyte Group. The intention is to check the southern two-thirds of the reserve, which we didn't have time to check last year; as before, the Devon Wildlife Trust would be grateful for a list of our finds. It is suggested that we head rapidly south from Ash Well to the southern end of the reserve, and then come slowly back recording as we go. Good walking boots are recommended; some of the paths are steep and some may be slippery. Leader Mark Pool (01803 316154,

Saturday 27 May at 10:00: Ancient Woodlands on the Dartington Hall Estate. Note earlier start time. A walk to explore and record the flora of several ancient woodland sites on the Dartington Hall Estate. The woods have a long history, including iron-age enclosures, and several medieval deer parks, and are one of the largest ancient woodland sites in the South Hams. More recently, some woods have been replaced by an interesting mosaic of experimental mixed conifer plantations, but retain a diverse ground flora. As well as several interesting historical features, including the medieval deer park pale and the 18th century deer park wall, we can expect to see a wide range of woodland plants, including many ‘ancient woodland’ species. We’ll also be searching for several more unusual species which haven’t been formally recorded recently, including Bastard Balm (Melittis melissophyllum), Bird’s-nest Orchid (Neottia nidus-avis), and both species of Butterfly-Orchid (Platanthera spp.). As well as exploring some of the publicly accessible woods, we will also have access to Chacegrove Wood, which is not usually accessible to the public. We’ll also be joined by a representative of the Dartington Hall Estate, who will be able to share more information about the current forestry and conservation management of the woods. Places are limited and must be booked in advance. Leader: Richard Lewis. Contact Tim Purches on 01752 795256 or at to book a place

Saturday 3 June: Bolberry Down and Bolt Tail for Long-headed Clover (Trifolium incarnatum subsp. molinerii) and other coastal plants, led by Roger Smith. Park at Bolberry Down, SX6895.3847. Contact the leader on 01626 368577 or at if you wish to attend.

Wednesday 14th June. Orchid Count. Joint meeting with Blackdown Hills Natural Futures. Help count the numbers of flowering Early Marsh Orchids in mire on Blackdown and Sampford Commons SSSI, possibly the largest population in the southwest. Leaders David Allen and Conrad Barraclough. Meet in the car park at Wellington Monument, ST 137172, for car sharing to nearer the site. Contact David Allen (01404 861394; email:

Sunday 25 June: Beaford Moor SSSI. A chance to investigate a large, privately owned area of species-rich culm grassland. Beaford Moor contains extensive areas of wet Molinia dominated heath and Culm grassland with good communities of species such as Meadow Thistle, Bog Asphodel, Bog Pimpernel, Ivy-Leaved Bellflower, Marsh St Johns-wort, Lesser Skullcap, Devils-bit Scabious, Common Cotton-grass, Heath Spotted-orchid and Marsh Violets that occur frequently throughout the site. The more open expanses of Sphagnum support many plants of Common Sundew and Pale Butterwort. The terrain is fairly flat but expect uneven, tussocky and wet conditions underfoot. Park in farmer’s field (details on booking) near Cowflop Cross (nearby road junction) SS 581 143.

Directions: From Barnstaple, take A377 south towards Umberleigh; turn right for Atherington along B3227. In Atherington take left turn along B3217 through High Bickington. After about 3 miles turn right along minor road at Cowflop Cross. Beaford Moor SSSI lies on right of this road.

From Bideford, take A386 through Gt Torrington, turning left onto B3220 at bottom of steep hill just before bridge over R. Torridge. Pass Rosemoor and go through Beaford, after another 2 miles take left turn along minor road. Beaford Moor is on left of this road.

Leader: Mary Breeds (mobile: 07835097780, landline: 01271 817349,

Saturday 15 July: Lank Combe, Exmoor. To search for the Lesser Twayblade (Neottia cordata) and update records in the Lank Combe valley. Meet at car park at SS759452 on B3223. Leader: Bob Hodgson (01392 491948,

Saturday 22 July: Beer Head. Beer Head for Squinancywort (Asperula cynanchica), White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) and other plants of the limestone clifftops. Leader Roger Smith (01626 368577 Park in the car park (payment required) on the edge of Beer at SY2279.8882.

Sunday 20 August: Corndonford Mire (north of Ponsworthy). The mire has all three species of Drosera and other bog plants. In the afternoon, we will visit another site, possibly Blackslade Mire. Meet at SX691753. Leader: Bob Hodgson (01392 491948,

Saturday 3 February 2018: Botany Section AGM - Thorverton Memorial Hall, Silver Street, Thorverton (SS926020) The hall will be open from 10:30 a.m. The AGM will be followed by an informal walk to look at lichens and bryophytes in the vicinity, and a short slide-show. (Contact Secretary Tim Purches - 01752 795256, - for further information.)

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